Single-dose fosfomycin is less effective than 5-day nitrofurantoin in women with uncomplicated urinary tract infection: closing the evidence gap for a new recommendation of an old antibioticIldikó Gágyor5 December 2018
Reforming disease definitions: a new primary care led, people-centred approachRay Moynihan, John Brodersen, Iona Heath, Minna Johansson, Thomas Kuehlein, Sergio Minué-Lorenzo, Halfdan Petursson, Miguel Pizzanelli, Susanne Reventlow, Johann Sigurdsson, Anna Stavdal, Julian Treadwell, Paul Glasziou8 April 2019
Redefining disease definitions and preventing overdiagnosis: time to re-evaluate our prioritiesCarl Heneghan, Kamal R Mahtani4 July 2019
Evidence from large Danish cohort does not support an association between the MMR vaccine and autism: facts in a post-truth worldDenise Campbell-Scherer19 June 2019
Incorporating the patient experience into clinical guidelines: recommendations for researchers and guideline developersJennifer Karen Roddis, Hannah L Liversedge, Isobel Ryder, Marjolein Woodhouse18 September 2018
Teaching evidence-based medicine application: transformative concepts of information mastery that foster evidence-informed decision-makingRandi G Sokol, David C Slawson, Allen F Shaughnessy17 June 2019
Consuming 100 g/week or less of alcohol was associated with the lowest risk of all-cause mortalityZiming Xuan3 September 2018
Broad-spectrum antibiotics gave no clinical benefit and more adverse effects than narrow-spectrum antibiotics in treating acute respiratory tract infections in US childrenMorten Lindbaek25 October 2018